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Re: a call for chemistry - Silverfox? *edit*
jfh Views: 1,753
Published: 17 y
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Re: a call for chemistry - Silverfox? *edit*

Gosh Tom, 200mg is not very much when people generally like to take 1G+. I think the best thing to do is quickly finish the full complement of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Then, while on the daily maintenance dose, take vitC as long after the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as we can wait. If we take Miracle-Mineral-Supplement before bed, as recommended by Humble, then vitamin C mid morning. By then, the MMS should be well into the bloodstream and lower digestive system. VitC is water soluble; so it does not matter if it is taken with lunch or with just water.

It's good to know that other important antioxidants may not affect MMS very much.

I suppose is would be good to take a break, maybe once a week, to provide Antibiotics without the use of MMS. This would be good in the case of a therapy for a disease that is not aggressive.


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