Tom, could you please do a test with ascorbic acid and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ? I suspect that ascorbic acid does not really chemically cancel Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I suspect that it actually causes CLO2 to be produced too fast for it to last long in the body. It is a weak acid after all. You would be able to determine this with your excellent tests for PPM at various times.
Thanks. There have been so many questions regarding vit C and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement together. This might help to make a decision to keep them hours apart; as one would do with Vit C.
Did you know that chlorine dioxide causes Iodide to transform into iodine? That might be of concern for people who wish to take Lugol'sIodine as a health treatment. Lugol's formula has both Iodine and iodide. Each component have health benefits of their own. This might help to make a decision to keep them hours apart; as one would do with Vit C.