Re: im so depressed by this.
Hi Karen
Thanks for your posting.
The sheer scope of your experience sounds so different from my own, which was restricted only to my scalp, so I wont comment on the clinical side of your symptoms. but what I can comment on, and hopefully support you with, is the associated
Depression that you are feeling.
Depression is something that I'm sure everyone in this group can associate with.
Like Kizzy noted in his post, shopping centre mirrors are a shock. In follicle's recent posting, he mentioned cameras - which I still tend to avoid. FD clearly knocks your self confidence and self image badly. And because it is such a rare disease, there is little understanding from others, including your dermatologist. It can feel very very isolating.
As you can see from this forum - YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There are lots of us here who do understand you and how you feel.
It might take a while for you to discover something that eases your FD, because it is such a rare condition. But the associated
Depression CAN be treated professionally and effectively. Work with that.
FD is a bastard of a disease and depression is one of the tolls of the enemy. But after suffering for over twenty years and effectively managing it for more than half of that time - I can assure you that it is only skin deep. Don't let it win.
Hang in there.