im so depressed by this.
About 10 weeks ago i had my first signs of this infection?, i dont really no alot about it, ive had a biopsy done at the dermatology , my dr told me she suspects this condition, ive still got my stitches in,. i have them all over my legs and hands, effecting my hair folicill. they are still very red at the moment, as my gp, gave all kinds of medication, and the itching was amence, i scratched all my skin off, which off course made them all really bad.. im so depressed, i just cry all the time, and my skin looks ugly,red blotchy,scaby,and im suppose to going on holiday this year...dont think i will tho. not looking like this...who could i? i cant even look at myself just now.
does anyone know any reason for this?? did i do something to my skin??
if i could only understand why this happened to me, i might be able to some how, control my feelings, and not be so depressed.
thanks. from a new member. karen.