Re: im so depressed by this.
hello agian.
thank-u for all the replys, very very kind words.
all i can say is..i went in the bath and exfoliated then shaved my legs with a razor, i have very dark hairs around my hands and arms, so i give them a shave now and agian. my HEAD was very itchy after too, my hair felt like it was on edge all the time. hair did fall out, lots of it, altho i still have the appearance of a full head of hair, i have very thick head of hair. and what seemed like dandruff, itchy, with small bumps. pimples.
i woke up during the night with extreamly intense itching,. very red, small bumps appeared, which looked like under skin blisters, i scratched them they came right off, i have HOLES the size of 2p on my skin, and im very red, very deep, they became infected also,..
i have had 10 different
Antibiotics , every week they gave me something else, i have had steriod creams, and moisterisers,they still itch,..
im hopeing that the dermatology department can find out whats wrong, it would be easier to deal with just to no what it was, then i can research it myself.
my skin, just now, seems to flake off, just at the hair , an intense feeling of GLASS on my skin, then i can see my pores or foliculs, just raise up, and become blisters, bumps.
its all hair, every hole has a hair,.. now i have scars, after 10 weeks some are healing some are not,..but they have left lots of small 2p size scars and they are very dry.
i dont no what i using fish skins at the moment..on my pores, and it helps a bit,..more soothing, and the scars do seem slighty faided.
the skin around the hair is very red,..raised up, i have just noticed today a slight affect on my face also, acne, only its not, and i no its not.
get my stitches out monday,..and my biopsy is due back tomorrow. so fingers crossed.
thanks so much . karen.x