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Re: I remember you...
megan Views: 80,777
Published: 17 y
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Re: I remember you...

hi scarlet....I've found the same thing with diet, absolutely, being raw is where I feel the best. but hard to stick to. for years I kept at least a whole foods diet and this was okay... I was having such a hard time staying raw back then, I was sicker, so anything I tried usually I couldn't handle, and I was FREEZING cold. I've never been so cold in my life. I'm much stronger than those days now, much better.

and raw again now...and I feel really far. but the parasites!! still there. vicious things.

I don't have answers on these things...although maybe this can help you..I had the exact same problem with taking herbs back then, it made me worse. and if not having a detremental effect, just the die off (or parasites being annoyed which is more of what I think it was...nothing was dieing)...I couldn't get anywhere with it.

finally, I found taking 'light' herbs didn't cause this, and I felt a bit better on them. things like hyssop, thyme, sage, sometimes male fern, which isn't light...but never gave me terrible reaction and usually helped. I'd get all my herbs in bulk and make tea or powder them, and then always kept on lbb or dr schulze intestinal formula, and good diet. I did this for a long time, helped. with time I got a lot better, although I think diet, juicing, Liver Flushes were maybe more of the cause than these herbs...but it helped. later another boost was oregano oil and other essential oils internally.

but these are so strong! if regular herbs send you, these will put you through the roof.

I'm still trying to make up a Bowel Cleanse that will work for me...I've tried so many things, never saw any plaque and i know it's there. things could be a lot easier if this would work.

great hearing from you...keep me posted. I'm going to do a run of high dose chlorella/spirulina and green juices've inspired me.



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