Re: oral short term prednizone -only thing that finally helped my severe exfoliative cheilitis
Im a pretty laid back guy and it really takes a lot to set me off, I have a bad temper but once again it takes a lot to get me going.. I dont really obsess over problems like others.
Before I did my fast I had severe energy fluctuations, one minute I could be full of energy, outworking everyone, the next i would get that jello legs feeling and just want to drop..
- Are you constantly hungry?
Yeah, I have bad food cravings, I eat like a monster nonstop but its all healthy.. for the most part anyways lol.
- Ever feel weak/light headed at certain terms?
used to before fasting
not since i got my shower filter, i dont even use shampoo anymore and my scalp is cleaner than ever.
- Have you got any non healing wounds/colds/infections?
yes, my shins have scabs that are MONTHS old, i snapped my ankles while playing basketball one time and never got them check by a doctor. I believe they healed misaligned which reduces the blood fllow to my legs and in tern severely reduces my healing time for leg wounds. as for the rest of my body i heal quite quickly, no colds or infections in years.. i basically never get sick anymore..
i feel your story, i think we all can relate to it. I would really recommend you find a natural alternative to valseline tho, that stuff has nothing in it that is good for your lips, its pure chemicals derived from petrolium (raw gasoline).