Re: 3 month old breastfed infant with chronic eczema seborrheic dermatitis
HI - sorry you are having such a hard time.
we just went through the exact same problem with our son who is now 6 months old. I tried everything, but then went and had allergy/sensitivity testing done. It turned out that I was the source of his problems. and had multiple
food sensitivities , although I did not even know it (I had no obvious symptoms). after I removed eggs, dairy and gluten from my diet, he completely turned around and his little rashes have disappeared, he's pooping better and even sleeping better. Hurray! Our doctor told me that if my body is not breaking down the food, then undigested proteins are entering his system through breastmilk. as you know, babies systems are too immature and don't yet produce the enzymes necessary to break the proteins down. the skin is a major elimination channel, so the rashes appear.
after spending a few weeks on a torturous diet, someone told me about a holistic practitioner who could clear my
food sensitivities . after 2 days of treatment, I went back for more vega testing and hurray, they were really gone. I slowly re-introduced the foods and no recurring eczema.
so - long story short, I think you should try to eliminate different foods. and keep the babe on the probiotic -his poor little system needs it right now!!
best of luck.