Re: 3 month old breastfed infant with chronic eczema seborrheic dermatitis
Hang in there. We went through this, almost the same thing, with our son who is now 3. It turned out that he was highly reactive to foods, even in the breastmilk. Good chance that even the cod liver oil and dairy will affect your child too, if he is sensitive. It takes weeks to clear the proteins out. I would suggest you get an ELISA, IGg and IGe blood test done on your child asap, find what he is reacting to. He will react to what you eat.
Consider finding a classical homeopath. by all means, stay away from steroids. its all about diet, your diet, but you have to find out what he reacts to, because if you keep eating it, his condition will get worse. I would also stay away from vaccinations, your child is too reactive to handle it, it could do serious harm.
I have to travel for 3 days, and won't have access to internet. I'll be glad to give you more detials when I get back.
our son no longer has eczema, but we have to feed him very carefully. His digestion is still weak, and fixing that will be the key to his recovery. probably the same for your son.
Hang in there. you will need to find a long term solution to this problem, it will take time.