A liberal paradox !
More liberal loonytoon crapola RB !!! Just because you define these two groups the way your liberal mind works does not make it so! The most altruistic group ever is the Christian conservative churches! And if you think illegal immigration is not part and parcel to communism you dont understand history! War is not a liberal preditors agenda????? lololol, who dropped the bomb??????
School ????????? wow we have a couple conservative schools in the country oh man beware, but the 1000s of so called higher learning institute with there explicit Marxist humanitarian LIBERAL arts are all communist strongholds!
Feminism that has a strangle hold on our grade schools prime agenda is to emasculte young boys to destroy the family and the county! The teachers union is the most marxist institute in America as is most unions in America! Look at the propaganda coming out ot the afl/cio sometime!
Liberalism is a viris and extremely preditory, its obvious if one is not blind in one eye and can't see out of the other! Multiculturalism is totally a liberal(marxist) promoted agenda just look at the liberal press pushing this down our throats calling illegal immigrants oppressed minorities ,look at the green/communist party in America still promoting the scientifically debunked AWG Global warming scam, CO2 taxes and gas rationing to promote big brothers agenda to eliminate private ownership! We are in a world of shit and apologist like you just keep piling it on like useful tools!
The paradox yes, its also called Orwellian double think!