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Re: I see...I voted for Bush so I must "see the light" on all issues liberal.
  Views: 2,806
Published: 17 y
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Re: I see...I voted for Bush so I must "see the light" on all issues liberal.

Got news for ya. I voted for Bush the first time, too. I don't apologize. I plead ignorance. At that time I believed the drivel that ran down their chins in the guise of promises. The light you need to see is that it doesn't matter who gets in office. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!! You are OWNED; you have no say. Not one of us does. Don't you get it?? What does "liberal" have to do with anything? Where the hell did you get that? That doesn't make a bit of sense. This isn't a liberal/conservative debate. Think outside the label box for once. Take your blinders off.
My reference to you voting for Bush is as follows: You were so damn sure the first time. Your hubris and narrow-minded thinking back then was just as wrong as it is now. Can you possibly in your mind anywhere concede to the fact that you may be just as wrong this time? THEY ALL LIE, EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM, TO GET TO THE TOP OF THE CLUB THEY'RE IN, and then they stuff the red, white and blue phallic symbol up every one of our rear ends without even the benefit of the vaseline and people like you fall for it every time. That's what's so baffling -- EVERY TIME.
By the way, it's Ms. 18637.


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