I get it. I'm forever joined at the hip of George W. Bush. Again, for the umpteenth time, at least I admit to voting for Bush. Unlike most others on Curezone I might add. Bush failed, Bush didn't do what he proported he would do...not I. My conscience is clear, Mr. 18637. If Bush did what he campaigned on, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. Kerry would've been a disaster but with different problems to fix. You're the typical "Monday Morning Quarterback", nothing wrong with that, most Americans are. But MtnnnDewww doesn't do that...not my style. If I vote for a candidate and he disappoints, I rake him over the coals. My conservative, capitalist principles are the foundation of this country, whether you like that or not. Because some capitalists and conservatives have turned weak and soft isn't really my doing. But I love the back and forth debate, so keep it going! There's always another topic to discuss here on Curezone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!