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$10hr with benefits was a living wage for one in 1975. And why do you have Mexican crew leaders? So You have a handful of Mexican crew leaders and the rest are americans. Doesnt sound logical. Should be the other way around.
Anytime an illegal or legal alien looks for work he undercuts the American worker because he is here to work at any price. Doesnt matter if he is a computer whiz from India or unskilled alien from Mexico. That is a simple fact. Since he is illegal he has to work for less. Even the dumbest ones know they just have to work for a little less than the american. Its totally irrelevant what the actual number is. They will always work for less. And they will attempt to become the monopoly by driving away the american workers with threats of violence. If they succeed at that they can raise their rates. Somebody on the new LOU DOBBS radio program said a friend of his who was a worker in the construction business faced such intimidation. Already its happening.
You think like you have blinders on (like they put on horses). You never see the big picture. We are in a war which is almost over, with America Losing. The feudalist royalist NEOCON elite rich along with the liberal idiots have destroyed America. The amnesty will be the beginning of the end.
It is simple a matter of time until the bleep its the fan right next to you. America is finished. It is kaput. Even if their were only 10 million hispanics here at their breeding rate of 4 or more per fecund female it would only delay the arrival of the one billion hispanics by a mere two generations. 10x2=20million more in twenty years, then 20x2=40 million in another twenty years.
By 2075 their will be over one billion people here with 700 million of them hispanic and perhaps 100 million muslim arabs. Cucaracha.