17 y
Re: flunked the course as usual. Retake Econ 101 for the fourth time, please.
Yah trickle down like seeds in a cow pie, it sounds good on paper ,but the problem is like what Jefferson said about democracy that it won't work unless its based on high moral and ethical values!
The rich just dont have that or get it! I means its like feed the dogs so they do'nt eat me in middle of the night!
Its just good common sense which the so called uppers dont have ! Human nature is insecure and this is especially true with the money handlers ,thats why they can never get enough !
Read an article a while ago about how retailers would rather lose sales then lower thier prices! Now thats a trucked up mentality! This is the problem with a dumbed down society it permeates all of that society not just the sheeple but the upper crust becomes intellectually moldy, greed trumps common sense, people hurt then the next thing you know a despotic demogogue is in office, then everyone loses, especially the bourgeois monied class, look out gulags here comes mtnnn dewww dewww!