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Parasite cleansing and kids
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Parasite cleansing and kids

Hi Beautymom,

I have two girls, ages 4 and 7, and they have both been through two cleanses. The first was Paragone for Kids, which they did last fall, and this last one is Humaworm's kid formula, which they are just finishing up this week. In fact we all are on Humaworm's family cleanse right now, including hubby.

The kids have never experienced any adverse side effects from either of the two cleanses - only positive results.

While I never saw worms with either of my kids, my youngest was constantly sick. She was slightly small for her age and started talking and potty training late and was often constipated. Since I recently learned that I have been suffering from parasites for years, and I had nursed both my children, I felt strongly about getting them on cleanses.

Also, both of my kids had the itchies last summer. The doctor prescribed menbendazole for both of them, with a repeat dose two weeks later. My oldest, who has virtually no health problems and has always been developmentally ahead, was cured after the dosages prescribed. But it took much longer to get rid of my youngest's problem, and I do think the itching had to do with her potty accidents. I tried a bunch of things first, but ended up putting her on a cleanse. Once I did, the accidents virtually stopped.

My youngest is making up for lost time, growing, talking well, full of energy and not getting sick anymore. Blossoming, really. They're both doing great.

I think both products are very good, but Humaworm's is a little easier with no tincture to deal with, just pills, and it also costs less. The kids pills are really small and easy to swallow. At first I was mixing up the contents of the little one's pill in some maple syrup on a spoon, but little sis insisted on taking it the way big sis does and learned to swallow - which makes things a lot easier!

I also give them 2 drops of Iodine in their orange juice once or twice a week and limit their sugar.

Don't be afraid to cleanse your child. The herbs are gentle and the benefits are huge.



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