Re: Parasite cleansing and kids
My kids used to crave sugars and starches too. I cut
Sugar out of their diet for a few months. It was hard socially - you know, playdates and so forth, but we got through it. I kept things quiet. It's no ones' business and I didn't want my kids to be treated any differently. For their own protection, I told the kids it was simply "medicine". When my oldest asked what for, I said it was to help them feel better. That seemed to suffice. For playdates and so forth, I told moms that the kids seem to be sensitve to
Sugar and I was limiting it for a while. That was good enough for them. They still had birthday cake and special occasion desserts.
Also forgot to mention that I gave my 4 year old 2 tsp. of Barefoot's lower bowel for kids balance every day for a while. It comes in a liquid form. It's pricy but it works very well and lasts a long time. Not that your daughter is constipated, but good elimination helps flush toxins.
Don't worry, you'll get through this and you're not crazy. It's hard to sort it all out and find the best course, but you will. You recognize the problem and you're taking proactive steps to both help you and your daughter, and that's great.