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Re: Parasite cleansing and kids
BeautyMom Views: 4,124
Published: 17 y
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Re: Parasite cleansing and kids

Thank you I was just looking at the ParaGone today in the store, lol. I definitely think she needs it she suffered from thrush and severe diaper rash constantly as a child. She craves starch all day. She has had a few bouts with hard to rid skin issues as well. I was nervous because she wasn't pooping but taking in a good amount of water. Well, not anymore! She made up for lost time today. It was thick and pasty but hey, its a start!

As for me; I bought some raw organic almonds today. Came in, took mt extract, lightly roasted the nuts and ate handfuls here and there. As I type this I feel like there are little bubbles of I-don't-know-what popping all over my skin, lol. It is really creepy. I am gonna take the longest shower in a few minutes. Thank you guys for letting me know I am normal, lol.


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