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Identify and Parasite Cleansing questions
BeautyMom Views: 4,450
Published: 17 y

Identify and Parasite Cleansing questions

Ok first I was trying to figure be out what this was:
I think its yeast but can't sure. I was just eating better and taking Braggs ACV and drinking high Alkaline water.
A brief history:
I ate some "Island Chicken" a few yrs back at a Polish rest with some co workers. A few hrs later I got a knot in my upper large intestines. I ended up getting a series of colonics to
clear it up.
Now, whenever I eat "bad" I get that same knot. Recently, I developed such a knot. I tried a regular enema which usually helps, no this time. The next night I tried it with some diluted food grade peroxide. In my waste I saw the salad I had eaten (not the red cabbage though, hmmm?) Then, I did another enema and that time I got the things you see in thefirst 2 pics. One last time and I got the last picture.

Next day (yesterday), I stalked the net and then health food store to get this
. I was also recommended to take coffee enemas to boost the liver. Asw well as a Probiotic. So, I get home and take the herbs (a few hrs later start getting the creepy crawlies). Took another before my dinner (salad-scared to eat meat). Prepared my coffee enema last night (yeah I know...was wide awake until 4am). Held it for 10 minutes and released. I had the best release I have had in a while. The smell was horrid though (think garbage truck juice). Like a fishy funk. The initial elimination was about 10 minutes total with sporadic dropping. No pain at all! I wiped and was cleaning up my enema supplies when the urge hit again. Yay! Went like twice more. I am impressed, couldn't see what came out though bc the coffee is dark too. Did notice cucumber seeds, lol.

Questions: 1)I was told to give my daughter a third of my dosage (6.5yrs old). I don't think she will let my do an enema. How do I help her flush the toxins?
2) Also, what can we eat b/c she is asking for everything! I know the Ramen noodles she loves are a no no, she has also asked for Cheezits, so I know it is a carb craving.
3)How often can I do the coffee enema?
4) She is getting the creepy crawlies to so I know its a die off now (at 3:47 am this morning I did not...Web search was no help). How can I help her with that?
5)What do I feed her for lunch?Dinner?
6)Is limiting the bad,as opposed to eliminating it, better than nothing? I don't know that we can go cold turkey with out proper info and it quite confusing online.
7) Have any of you heard of Spectravision? What are your thoughts?


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