Re: Did you see this messege on the blog "50 days" ?
What do you thing about it ?
Thank you everybody , good that I have you !
I really got a little bit worried , what is ( Dr.
Shelton says) the worst thing during the fast.
But I'm good again !
Here is a new messege from "50days"
"I was going to the regular doctor for routine tongue had not cleared and i had no hunger return..and still dont, but i am eating any ways. well when i got there they did vitals, and my pulse was 140..resting so they admitted me to the emergency. it makes complete sense when you dont eat for so long, no vitamins no nothing for that long why things would be out of whack. everyone is different but i know its nothing unheard of..they said i was starving, and i was getting my energy from my muscles breaking down and organs breaking down."
I thing he sad to the doctors that he/she fast for 23 days and then they make him crazy and he got a quick puls .I am going to ask him to come to our forum .