Hi Andrew,
I respect you because you put a lot of time into this forum but you are wrong. It was no normal healing crisis that would have resolved the problem if I had continued on. It was a major and dangerous shutting down of a major body system. I will definitely agree with you that the problem was pre-exisiting. It you look at my original post you will see that I said I was glad I did the fast because it brought the problem out into the open. It definitely was already there. The fast, however, worsened it, and in a very big way. Having you body tempature drop several degrees in a couple of days is never a good thing. I have done enough detoxing in my time to recognize the good from the bad. This was not detox or a storm before the calm, it was a major freefall. I strongly disagree with both you and Chrisb who insist that fasting will "cure" my endocrine problems. It will not. Water Fasting makes it much worse. Don't take it personally. I like both of you guys. However, I do think that you need to be more responsible about encouraging newbies in bad health to water fast. They need to start very slowly, not jump in head first.