I have no way of knowing whether the poster was telling the truth or putting out a bogus post, but to the question of whether a
Water Fast can be dangerous, the answer is YES!!! Let me relate to you my experience with water fasting, which only happened last month. I have been seriously into alternative medicine for 4 years, posting on cure zone since the summer of 2006. My main symptoms are bad circulation,
food allergies , massive brain fog and bad anxiety. I had juice fasted before and felt incredible. My brain fog would disappear after a few days and my mental clarity was exceptional. I am very into kinesiology (muscle testing), Last year I found out that my pituitary was almost turned off - I was able to turn it back on with a homeopathic (it probably took six months). Juice fasting did nothing for this problem, in fact in some ways it made it worse, although this was only temporary. All in all, my experience with juice fasting was great.
I started a
Water Fast during the second week of January. I started going down hill almost immediately. My brain fog worsened (which I didn’t think was possible) and my circulation tanked. My circulation problem is mainly to my extremities, but during the
Water Fast my core body temperature fell through the floor. I was in a heated house wearing thermal long underwear and a wool hat and was shivering. After 5 days I switched to juice. Almost immediately these symptoms lessened and within a day or two I felt like I had before the fast. After 3 days on juice I went back to water. BIG MISTAKE. I went downhill again, although not as quickly as before. My brain fog was so bad that essentially I was a walking zombie. Luckily I had an appointment with my kinesiologist already scheduled and when I told him what was happening he immediately suspected my thyroid and he checked it and I was MAJOR hypothyroid. I am actually glad I did the water fast because it brought this problem out in the open, but the water fast was shutting down my thyroid function, maybe even my hypothalamus. My kinesiologist used muscle testing to diagnose me hypothyroid, but I went that day and had blood drawn and major testing done. Not only did it come back hypothyroid (low t3 and low tsh), but my liver enzymes were VERY high, signifying liver dysfunction/damage. My uric acid levels WERE THROUGH THE ROOF. I was essentially diagnosed with gout. My co2 was very high also - the doctor told me that this meant my body had become very acidic. All of these things happened because of the water fast. I have good health insurance so I have blood work done frequently. I probably check my liver enzymes 3-4 times a year (for at least 4-5 years). They have never been high. My kinesiologist could muscle test that my thyroid problem was causing liver problems, and that when my thyroid problem cleared the liver points cleared as well. The water fast was causing parts of my endocrine system to shut down. Thank god I stopped it. I was not hungry or feeling particularly weak. In my mind, if I had carried on I very well could have done permanent damage to my body. If I carried it on for an extended time I could have died, although I certainly don’t want to suggest that I was near death. But I can’t stress enough how brutal the fast was to my system, and it was not detox, although I certainly was releasing a lot of toxins.
I am not telling people that they shouldn’t water fast. What I am saying is that it is not a guaranteed cure all for all problems. That is silly. It is the mindset of the western medicine magic bullet. The human body is way to complex to have one simple fix for all problems. Not a fast, not a liver flush, not a single homeopathic etc. I know it sounds great - do a fast and let the body heal itself, but I am sorry, it doesn’t work in all cases. Maybe some, but not all.
Water Fasting is very extreme. It should be used with caution. I was talking with a longtime cure zone poster whose name I will not reveal, except that she is probably one of the most respected posters here, and while she has done a decent amount of juice fasting and some master cleansing, she told me that she would probably not water fast unless under the supervision of a naturopath. Again, I am not going to tell people what protocol to follow, as I think there is validity to fasting, but posters here on this forum, especially longtime, experienced posters, need to step up to the plate and warn newbies of the risks. I am constantly seeing very overweight people with bad habits and very little knowledge of alternative health come to curezone and say they are going to do a 40 day water fast and come out the other end a brand new person with all of their bad habits in the past, and the usual response is, “Good luck! Keep us posted!”. Their bodies and major organ systems are already under tremendous strain from years of unhealthy living and tons of extra weight. THEY ARE NOT GOOD CANDIDATES FOR AN EXTENDED WATER FAST. They need to build very slowly up to a water fast. Anyway, I will reiterate that I am not against people fasting. However, just because someone else solved all of their health problems with a fast does not mean you will. Use common sense when you embark on these things.
Water Fasting is very extreme and if it affects your body in a bad way then those results can be extreme as well.