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Re: Did you see this messege on the blog "50 days" ? What do you thing about it ?
no1ninja Views: 2,373
Published: 17 y
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Re: Did you see this messege on the blog "50 days" ? What do you thing about it ?

I think that fasting can also attract people that have a tendency to be bulimic or even hypochondric (sp?). It's very easy to look here for support even though you may not be the ideal candidate for fasting.

When I think of the 2-3 year old and how susceptible a small child would be versus an adult, I feel more re-assured. At the same time, I disagree with fasting a child of that age, their neurological systems need plenty of nutrients and you can't just count on the body having that inside it that early in life. Look at what happened to the minds of orphans in Romania. That said, it's obvious that the child was fasted because of an existing condition that could not be remedied using conventional medicine.

One thing that struck me is that the posters that seem to be susceptible to these conditions seem to be going to the doctor to get blood work 4 times a year and who knows how many times outside of that. I hope this does not get taken personally but I feel that the more you go to the doctor the more you associate and focus on the negative. This obviously precludes people with existing serious health condition. The problem is that I know too many people that will blame their anxiety/stress/headache on an imagined cancer.

Also it is not hard to get a doctor to agree with you and medicate you. The world is filled with stories of people that have lived their lives medicated more so because of their ability to cope than their true physical condition. My friends mother has been using a crazy cocktail of meds most of her life. She was finally convinced to try herbal alternative treatments and she feels better than ever.

The placebo effect is VERY REAL and can be observed with REAL physical changes.

The way I see it, your mind is the government of the cells in your body. If there is corruption in your thoughts it trickles down to the lower levels.

A person that is scared worried about this fast SHOULD NOT DO IT. First take your time and educate yourself about all previous cases and nibbles of information so that you are armed well for when the challenges occur. Bottom line is that we are conditioned to believe that if we don't eat we will die, that primal fear manifests itself very easily with other symptoms. Believe it or not a person can will themselves to be sick or worse.



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