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Re: Did you see this messege on the blog "50 days" ? What do you thing about it ?
Fonty Views: 2,509
Published: 17 y
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Re: Did you see this messege on the blog "50 days" ? What do you thing about it ?

If it's true it would have to mean that she went past the point of true hunger and continued on a fair while after. It's unlikely though, or the doctors have dramaticised the damage because I don't think even a starving body will damage the heart until the very last. And as someone has already said going to a hospital where they know little or nothing about fasting could be the worst thing to do. If you get in strife get to an experienced fasting doctor or fasting retreat if you can. Breaking a long term fast with the wrong foods is the most dangerous thing that you can do, and hir statement that he/she still has no appetite probably supports the likelihood that he/she had broken the fast incorrectly before it was meant to be finished rather than fasted beyond the point of true hunger. Certainly the body is telling them to fast again in any case.

I certainly can't imagine our body rotting on a fast or off it unless the rot is started from food that has been sitting around too long undigested. Apart from food the only other thing I know would cause rot inside the body is death itself. Living tissue just does not spontaneously rot.

Anyway, the lesson if any to learn here is to listen to your body always and break the fast correctly when you need to. :)



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