17 y
Re: Eyesight worsening with MMS
Funny, i was thinking of getting that "Transdermal Magnesium" book myself! I heard about it a few months ago and i was reminded of last night by an advert on the jim humble radio interview. Are this Robin and Mark dude defintitely the same guy? Am a bit skeptical of this book now, it sounded like a good idea, been taking
Epsom Salt baths on and off for the last few months.
Thanks for the info on flak and ALA, i think i will buy another bottle of the flak when i get chance/money and take it along with the krill. the only fish oil i would touch now is the carlsons brand, i used to like salmon, shame that its not safe to eat anymore.
Funny that you should mention Amalgrams. Truth is im not sure if i have any.
I look in my mouth and i see some dark patches on a few of my teeth but Im not sure if they are decay or fillings. If they are fillings, I had them when i was around 10 or 11 years old and I cannot remember that far back. I spoke to my dentist surgery a few years ago and asked them, they told me their records showed i had 1 filling but it was on a baby tooth. So i'm not sure. I will find out for sure in 2 months as I am going to see a mercury-free dentist and if i do have any, i will have them removed. I kind of hope i do have them as it should mean a major health burden will be relieved and i might get some answers.