17 y
Re: Eyesight worsening with MMS
Hi again Hellth :)
please see my edit, i do take krill oil for omega 3 currently. ideally i would be taking 2 a day, but i currently take 1 a day due to expense. I dont know if you are aware of krill oil but you do not need as much as fish oil. I am concerned about taking normal fish oil due to toxicity etc, i used to take flak oil but havent for a while (mercola said most people do better on fish/krill oil, so i stuck with that)
Yeh, maybe im just getting old lol, 29 soon as well. But seriously, i never accept the age arguement, im sure you and most here will agree its more to do with how you live your life than your age.
Anyway yhats good to heard about your grandchild, pretty encouraging, orange juice on oatmeal! that sounds interesting.
What i have been doing is taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in the morning, then at least 4 hours after taking the supps, then final
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement dose before i go to bed, I think i'd like to try your idea as well.
Best of Hellth to you!