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Re: Question:
been there done that Views: 2,683
Published: 17 y
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Re: Question:

I was hoping that you would have replied to my post by now, Oracle, but I seem to have killed this thread. In case you haven't noticed, "this world" is messed up (in many ways). I suffered 51 years of suicidal Depression because of that. Too many people never take notice of all the chaos and injustice in this world and become indifferent to everyone who has suffered or endured misfortune.

Thirty years ago, I saw a movie called "Things To Come". The only thing I remember about it is one special scene where a tear fell to the ground and was celebrated as the meaning of life. Learn to shed a tear for those who suffer misfortune. It's the experience of a lifetime and it is what Curezone is all about.

It was a very meaningful movie, but that scene was the most meaningful part of it (tears are called "rivers of living water" for a reason).



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