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Re: feelings as guidance system for conscience right and wrong, not for "REASONS".
been there done that Views: 2,713
Published: 17 y
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Re: feelings as guidance system for conscience right and wrong, not for "REASONS".

"FEEL undeserving in a way BECAUSE sometimes i FEEL like i have nothing really good to offer except for beers and good times" (you mean good conversation?).

Notice a very common flaw in reasoning (very common in all of society).

The "reason" (or what you are choosing to think of as a "REASON") is not really a "reason". You say that you FEEL because of a "FEELING". This is a very common flaw in human reasoning/logic. The distinction between a "FEELING" and a "REASON" is a very important one.

There is a REAL reason that you "feel undeserving". You will never be able to feel deserving until you discover that reason FOR YOURSELF.

It is not true that you have nothing really good to offer, if it were, every thread you started on this forum would have been alot shorter for lack of interest, good conversationalist!!

You underestimate yourself.



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