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Re: feelings as guidance system??
rygar. Views: 2,773
Published: 17 y
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Re: feelings as guidance system??

alot of what you said rings true,but I know if I just allowed my walls to come down I could easily be with anyone of these girls.But it seems like by being an %¤#&!§-,works just fine in terms of getting their attention but it seems to be a two edged sword because it ends up blocking me off from actually feeling anything genuine.

it sounds strange to here a guy actually admitting that but it's so true.

I feel undeserving in a way because sometimes I feel like i have nothing really good to offer except for beers and good times lol. But when it comes to everything else I am lost,I can't relate to family,friends or regular things people talk about or into.The fact that I am bisexual adds more to the plate as well.I know I am,I am cool with it but it's not to say every girl is going to be cool with it..I will always be attracted to both sexes.For the time being,more so then ever..girls happen to bring me the most grief.It mostly has to do with a horrible break up like a friggin' decade ago with my 'true love' lol.I don't have issues being bisexual,I have issues with these feelings I get when I am around certain types of girls that make me go bonkers inside and I don't know what to do with all of these feelings.

it bugs me because it feels like they are the types that I want but I usually go for the 'safe' girls or girls I feel comfortable with though the attraction is a little less then with the 'zingers'.The zingers REALLY get my heart racing though they also seem to immobilize me,that overwhelming feeling plus being immobilized really bugs me because I DO NOT like being made to feel like I am out of control by another person,or at their whim or whatever. My ex love of my life was a real comfortable type girl,though I loved her greatly we weren't really a sexual match though it sure was great at times lol. I seem to fear and want the intense level of enticement but I am also immobilized by that feeling and resent it when it's there.

sucks doesn't it??



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