Re: #79252 - Relationship LOA - Pure Desire
Let's look at Pure desire and what you truly want. This means to focus attention on what you do want and AT THE SAME TIME feeling positive emotion.
In order to create change, you have to see your husband as you want him to be rather than continuing to observe him as he is. So, disregard all things linked with what you do not want and ONLY focus on what you prefer.
If you continue to notice everything about him, then you include all those aspects, wanted and unwanted. That which you want, you get, that which you don't want, you get.
Instead, you only need to focus on the things that you love about him. Then you can get more of what you want.
As you have said, you have some very good memories of him and you also know he loves you. That's a great start. You also need to focus on your expectation that he will overcome all his past issues with ease. (Instead of focusing on why he is not able to do so!) and you will be moulding your thoughts to what you expect to achieve, just like the sculptor gets a lump of clay and moulds it into a masterpiece.
The real work is to to give so much thought on the postives/what you want to create, that it brings continued positive emotion. It is then you become a powerful magnet.
So, start practising daily the visualising technique here:
just bringing into your visualisations all the lovely aspects of your husband. Remain focused on how wonderful it feels when you think loving thoughts of him.
You must be selfish enough to care how YOU feel (forget anyone else for the time being) to direct your thoughts in such a way that you are connected to your inner self. Until you are able to do that, you have little to offer your husband. So make it your dominant intent:
"Today, no matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, no matter what anyone else says to me, it is my dominant intent to feel good. I only look for what I want to see. Nothing is more important than I feel good"
How are we so far?