What's so special about you...nothing.
See, right now the way you are...there isn't anything special about you. Who would want that in their life? Hot women don't want emotional baggage from a weak guy. Do you blame 'em? Holding on to a negative past is a complete waste of time, no gal worthy will spend the time it takes to clean up your sh*tty attitude. That's something you've got to snap out of, and in a big hurry, my friend. You've only got so many "good years" in that frame of yours. Mid-20's are some of the best times you'll ever have, the mid-20's women are the best they'll ever be...the time clock is tick'in down. You get too far into the 30's and then THEY have the baggage. Life shouldn't be this tough. It's not for me, why you? MtnnnDewww can only predict the future...you've got to pull up those jockey shorts, stand up big and tall, spray on some "smell nice", get some decent clothes on, and attack those women with something they want...personality. Charm. Fun. You know, good times. Women like to do stuff. They don't want a problem guy who is always down in the dumps because life kicked him the nuts again. They want a guy who can take a punch. A guy who shakes it off and comes out swing'in. I'm telling you exactly what I do in life and it works like a charm! It's there for the taking.
Start you life over from this point on, private. Tomorrow I want you to march your a*s right up to the one that you take cold showers over and ask her to "The Golden Compass". She'll say "yes", trust me. Did I ask you if YOU want to see "The Golden Compass"? No. Doesn't matter if you like "The Golden Compass"...she will. You make her happy FIRST and you watch how sweet she'll be towards you the rest of the evening. I want a full report the morning after, on my desk, soldier. Dis...missed!