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Re: Alternative Treaments for Bacterial Vaginosis
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Re: Alternative Treaments for Bacterial Vaginosis

It is embarrassing! But there must be a way to reverse whatever has happened to upset the balance. I refuse to believe that sex and menstruation are what's causing this problem because nature designed us to do these things. I had to have my IUD removed because of constant BV that started up again just days after I had it inserted (I had problems with it before the IUD but they were under control at the time I had it put in.) I actually had the IUD removed because of terrible cramping pains and profuse bleeding during my period. I couldn't go to the store for an hour to do grocery shopping without having an accident. I would have to wear a tampon and pad and would still usually end up with a stain somewhere. The pain was horrible, I'd be doubled over with cramps and have to come home and take Pain medicine and lie down for awhile. Just from an hour of shopping! Back to the BV... I don't know what causes it but I do know it isn't nature and it isn't natural. I've been on Birth control pills since I was 18 (became sexually active at 17) and that is either when my problems began or when they were discovered - I was told I had Gardnerella at one of my exams. At that time I noticed no odor, no symptoms of any kind. but I took the Antibiotics anyway and it has gradually worsened from that point. It was very bad after I gave birth... they used a dirty catheter in the hospital and I ended up with a bad UTI, I didn't catch it until it was very bad because I didn't feel the normal pain with urination having just a had a baby I already had pain. Anyway, I had more Antibiotics then. Since I was 18 and became sexually active it seems I have been on a combination of various birth control and various Antibiotics most all the time. leading me to believe that maybe has had something to do with the BV. Like I said, I began menstruating at about 14, having sex at 17 --- and never had problems with BV until I started going to the doctor at 18 to get birth control.


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