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Re: Kidney pain
wombat Views: 7,225
Published: 18 y
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Re: Kidney pain

My suggestion as far as upping the dose? Well, I was very cautious starting, probably TOO cautious, it took me 3 1/2 mos. to get to 50mg. I'd go up by a drop every 2-3 wks(I know, I'm a real daredevil) my defense on my timid ways, we didn't have anyone to follow...and I HAVE seen people crash and burn by hitting it too hard, too fast. I'm not suggesting that you proceed that cautiously, I'm not sure that it was necessary. But slower than you've been going! Awesome about the blood sugar:)

You need to get the salt thing squared away first of all. Salt is VERY important. You know, I've only done the salt "push" half a dozen times or so, only when I've really needed it(headache, flu-ey stuff), but I take salt(sole) in my drinking water and I have for quite some time. So I do get my salt, just not the "push". Just a pinch in your water, and, if you can handle it, lemon...maybe that will work for you.

Here's a good link on salt:


and, your capsules are 15mg? What is the name of this supplement? Link? :)


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