18 y
Kidney pain
Well I had upped my dose to 90 mg (30 3 times per day). Was experiencing WEIRD psychological problems (probably super detox), and today finally decided to lower the dose back down.
Only thing is, on the way home from work I noticed an irritating feeling in my lower back. Not SEVERE or sharp pain or anything, just an annoying sensation right exactly where my kidneys are.
Haven't taken any
Iodine since this morning, and plan to stay "on break" a little longer.
I tried getting celtic
Sea Salt to see if I could push with that, but all ANY salt seems to do (especially when I drink salt water) is bloat me. I get super bloaded and clogged anytime I drink
Sea Salt water.
Not understanding why everyone else clears out, and I clog and get nauseous.
The kidney irritation is a little scary because you never know, but I'm assuming I just overdid the
Iodine a little too fast, and need to break from it for a day or so.
Urine is normal, no blood or weird colors or anything.