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Re: Kidney pain
wombat Views: 7,480
Published: 18 y
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Re: Kidney pain

Do stay on break. And before you start up again, salt load for at least three days, even a week or longer. It takes a while to normalize the "balance", bloating is common. You can try potassium chloride or magnesium chloride in lieu of, or combined with the Sea Salt ....
Also, drink LOTS of water. And eat LOTS of vegetables! Got to keep stuff moving:)
My feeling is that you upped your dose too quickly, ESPECIALLY given your dietary restrictions. Supplementing I will put the kidneys through a work out, fo sho.
I believe in upping dosage slowly, that way you can monitor and tweak your rate of detox....
There are suggestions for kiney support in our FAQ's:)
Can you take lemon at all? Lemon is good for the kidneys.
Also, this tea is GREAT, Bija "deep cleanse"(available at

Healing Properties

Dandelion root * Taraxum officinale – This slightly bitter herb aids kidney and liver function and detoxifies poisons that gather in the liver, spleen, and gall bladder. It promotes healthy circulation, acts as a diuretic, and helps maintain cholesterol and uric acid levels within the normal range.

Yellow Dock herb Rumex crispus – Very high in iron, it nourishes and detoxifies the spleen and liver and cleanses the blood.

Burdock root * Arctium lappa – Burdock Root is an excellent blood purifier and strengthen the immune system.

Licorice root * Glycyrrhiza glabra – Tea made with licorice root is helpful for stomach problems and ulcers. It also supplies needed energy to the system when cleansing or recovering from an illness.

Cinnamon bark * Cinnamomum zeylanicum – Is useful for stomach ailments and is a stimulant to other herbs and the body, enabling herbal remedies to work faster. It also helps to purify blood, support the immune system, and aid digestion.

Ginger root * Zingiber officinale – Is stimulating, warming and energizing and improves occasional stomach upset and nausea.

Fennel seed * Foeniculum vulgare – Is used as a mild digestive aid.

Oatstraw herb * Avena sativa – Helps maintain a healthy blood Sugar level, nourishes the pancreas and liver and replenishes the adrenal glands while supporting good circulation.

Nettle Leaf * Urtica dioica – Rich in silica & other important minerals, it helps to provide nourishment during cleansing.

and, re: the weird psychological problems? Been there, done that:) My best advice as far as that goes is to ride em out. Restrain from acting on impulses.... :)



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