Re: Yes, many questions that I plan to look closer at!
The counter-top distiller I use is a basic economy model. According to the user guide, the metal finish on the inside of the distiller tank is "stainless steel". Stainless steel of course comes in various grades of quality. For instance, during the past 10-20 years I have noticed that typical brands of cutlery out of China provided for retail sales in the U.S. are made with a grade of staineless steel (like serrated knives) that tends to rust within a short time of a year or two.......kind of demeans the term "stainless", doesn't it?... (shrug).
Just my own personal philosophy, if all things were equal, the human body would not need to rely on formal drinking water - be it tap, spring, well, distilled or other - but would instead get nutritional fluids by more natural from naturally grown plants....herbs....trees.....fruits...vegetables. The problem is, all things are seldom equal, ever. Be this as it may, the human body could probably adapt and survive fairly well from man-made methods for harvesting water IF that was the only variable....the only assualt the human body had to deal with. The problem is, that is not the only assault. We humans are under assualt by land, sea and air, 24-7-365, with multiple fronts established via each of these mediums. It's constant. Water is just one of the fronts. It is humanly impossible to live in accordance with how the world was doesn't help that each day we seem to be getting farther away from being able to discern - why/when/how or for what purpose was the world created?
At best, we can only try to live in ways that at attempt to approximate what may have once been normal and natural, but lets face it. By today's standards, the establishment has gotten it down to a fairly reliable - albeit weird-at times - science, that it takes approximately 65-75 years to kill the average human due to the combined effects of the collective enviornment PLUS whatever lifestyle/diet/habbit choices are made therein. This brings to mind a line from one Joe Pesci - My Cousin Vinny "what, do you have magic grits? the laws of physics cease to exist in your kitchen?"....likewise with the human plight on this modern earth. For us average people, we cannot escape the laws that surround us, be they man-made laws or laws of nature. Distilled water or no, store-bought vitamins or no, vaccines or no, GM'd crops or no, processed foods or no, feed-lot & concentration-camp livestock or no, living off the establishment food supply or no, some people will die a little ahead of the 65-75 sweet spot, some will live perhaps 10, 20 maybe even 30 years beyond that. Not even factoring in quality of life in one's later years, most of us are going to die somewhere around 65-75 give or take, some of us will die a miserable, agonized death, some of us will die relatively quickly without a long bout of suffering.....flip a coin, drink whatever suits, we all die one way or the other. Live and learn as much as you can, and try no to die doing that ! ;) Best of luck!