Asthma and MMS
I have reported before that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement made my breathing easier. Here's what
happened last night.
I was born with asthma. Had it all through my childhood and though I
outgrew it as a young adult it left my lungs compromised--meaning that if I
exerted myself I wouldn't be able to breath deep. There were many times
that I'd still have asthmatic spells of short duration. If I was in a damp
environment it would be hard for me to breath.
I started taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , only 6 drops a day. I noticed better breathing in
just 2 days, but in only less than 3 weeks I am now able to breath all the
way to lung capacity. I can fill my lungs completely with air and not cough
or have that catch that happens. And last night I went to a concert held in
an underground cave. It was quite a ways down--and going down is always
easy. ;-) But coming up, I pushed myself to keep up with the group as we
were leaving so as not to block anyone behind me. When I got to the surface
I had to sit down and catch my breath for 3 to 4 minutes before breathing
slowed down to normal. BUT--the whole time I was puffing and panting was
just from being physically out of shape and had nothing to do with my lungs,
because I, miraculously was breathing deeply, filling my lungs, no catching,
no heat/pain in the lungs from exertion, no coughing. I was pretty darn
impressed!! That has never happened to me before in my life.