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Albuterol? Yes!
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Albuterol? Yes!

I was on it for 10 years. I still have it in my house. Have not had to use it but once this year since starting Iodine. I had no clue it was bromide. I have tapered off of it since starting my detox a few years ago now I am going to chuck it. There is no history of herpes in my family other then the type that comes in the form of a cold sore. I am one of six simblings. I don't think there are too many secrets in my family. Unfortunately we are very open.

I was pretty disabled 3 years ago. I was planning on trying to get on some type of assistance, but I hit a brick wall everytime I went to the doctors overseas. I was just ready to lay down and die when I found curezone one night. I passed out after reading the screen for about 15 minutes. Got back up read more and then passed out again. I could not walk without passing out most days. Vertigo was horrible. I found the MS support group becuase they were doing 40 days of fasting and I thought this would just prepare me for death. I started fasting on puree'd soup and orange juice with 250g. of cilantro. I figured I would just over-do it everywhere I possibly could. It took all the effort I had just to make it into the store and get my food. I would get in my truck and drive 3 blocks to the store. After 11 days I started Master-Cleanse and that really helped my breathing and the nasty cough that I had. I was by myself the entire time with my 5 year old. I made lavish dishes for her (gosh did she eat good!) but ate nothing myself. This was the turning point in my life. After 56 days of total fasting, I did a parasite cleanse, Liver Flush (8 total), fasted 20 days 2 more times. I got zapped once my a German doctors zapper. That was fun. Then one morning I grabbed a 220 light bulb that shattered the night before without my knowledge. When I went to the bathroom I had what looked like nothing but dead parasites. I started feeling so good after getting shocked that I took a trip to Holland with my family. I was able to walk all through the tulips with no major problems. I am in the states now and I am functioning like a normal human being now with only some leg pain and back pain left when I detox. I started Iodine back in the spring, and now I am on IP6 so I think it has brought out the super deep cough even more due to detox. The Iodine had started the cough. I think the lysine helps the cold sore hide away for another day. I was diagnosed with Lupus, MS, Cushings, and Chron's. I did have a possitive case of H.Pylori and I am Celiac. Wheat and corn products mess my breathing up big time.


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