Re: Detoxing Herpes
For years I had a huge cold sore appear on my lip at least once a year. Then for almost three years, I didn't have any cold sores at all. I thought I was done with them. Then I started iodine, and very shortly after that, I got the biggest one ever. The ironic thing is the night before it appeared, my husband had brought home a sample lysine cream for cold sores from the healthfood store, and I thought to myself, "Wow it's been a long time since I have had one of those." I almost threw away the cream thinking I wouldn't need it. Anyway, the next day it appeared and it was a bad one. My husband called the next three weeks the cold sore weeks. I put everything in the world on it----lysine cream, iodine, oregano oil, gse, etc. Maybe some of that helped, but it still seemed like forever to go away. I believe the
Iodine was definitely what brought it about----bringing that virus out from wherever it was hiding. Good thing is that I have continued on the iodine---it's been over five months since then, but I have not had another outbreak. My mom also got a cold sore right after she started the
Iodine also.