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Detoxing Herpes
pb3046 Views: 17,806
Published: 18 y

Detoxing Herpes

Does anyone have a history of detoxing herpes, or has that continued since Iodine intake? My cousin, who is on two drops every other day (up from one drop twice a week) has gotten a herpes sore on her lip and another one in the back of her mouth towards her throat. She has had these in the past. She also has pain in her ear, like a swollen gland.

She increased her salt intake, and used the Sea Salt in a neti pot as well. She painted the sore in her throat. She does not have any lysine.

Years ago, I had a lot of herpes on my lip, mostly when my stomach was upset. She does not remember her stomach being upset.

Does any one have any experience with this?


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