Re: wormewood ,die off or parasites?
it sounds like this is
parasite reaction to me and not reaction to
Wormwood itself.
Wormwood contributed in the sense that it killed and/or annoyed them, but it could have been any anti-parasitic herb. I've had these reactions from a variety of herbs that are not known to have neurological, respiratory or circulatory effects. it's because it's not the herb, it's the
parasite reaction to being killed or threatened. when your
parasite burden decreases, you likely won't have these reactions anymore.
it may be a good idea to take clove for a few days. this is something I do now if I'm feeling them run wild in me, and something I wish I knew to do before when I had severe adverse reactions. but I didn't know of it then.
if you haven't taken clove in therapeutic dose yet, this is what I do determine dosage (because buying them already encapsulated and taking a few of those teensy pills is not likely going to be adequate).
I start with 1/2 tsp in some water, and wait a couple hours or more to make sure there's no bad reaction to it. then I do a couple more test doses, increasing the amount each time, and waiting hours in between again. it may take more than a day to test this out.
once I have an idea of what I need, I start taking it 3x/day.
when my symptoms were bad, I took clove by the tablespoon (it's vile, you can sweeten it with honey or stevia, and take with some food helps too). you may not need such a high dose. now I usually take 1 tsp/dose is enough.
it takes a couple days to work for me, but by the third day, I'm usually quite a bit better. if these symptoms you're having are caused by larva (instigated by the death of the adults, or their threat to being killed). the larvae are just as bad as the adults, likely more. you want to stop them in their tracks.