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another opinion
trapper/kcmo Views: 4,565
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another opinion

which i agree with for the most part.

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Reged: 06/13/06
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Re: Question about CERAC crowns new
#11643 - 09/22/06 06:58 PM (
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HI there, well there is really no such dental material that is "truly" totally non metal if you consider some of the metals come in the form of oxides etc. .

They ALL contain metals to some degree, in some form. The key is to find out what they are and what form. Aluminium oxide gets a bad press because of the word "aluminium", but aluminium oxide is actually a completely different form and has been called a "non metal". Here is a website discussing aluminium oxide (alumina) in more detail -

So, teh fact they advertise cerec as an alternative material for those allergic to metals and have other problems, would be due to the fact that aluminium oxide is not the ionic form and also that it is in many areas of our diet, (salt, baking powder, cheese etc) plus it's in soil also and then goes into vegetables. OUr skeleton contains it. So one cannot really avoid it, but certainly you'd not want to ge a dental material leaching aluminium out on top of consuming it in diet. However, cerec does not leach out the contents, plus the aluminium not in a form that is soluable.

But as I've said, I do not believe there is any dental material that is ideal and all of them contain metals and chemicals to some degree. And people will react so some degree. The key is to find one least reactive with you and one that is hard enough to not wear down or leach out the stuff contained within.
Composites are far from ideal, they can contain formadehyde, barium, phenol, fluoride etc etc that can leach out because of the composite being so much softer. Also many composites contain aluminium oxide also, it is very common and WILL come out because the material is so much softer and will definitely add to our consumption of it.

So to my mind, all dental materials are a risk. I'd go by reputation, how long they've been around, others comments, getting a serum test and talking to biologic dentists about them.

Here is one link to a dentist I've spoken to who uses them in his office

A Dr Wayne King -

There is another dentist I emailed who I think is behind the entire cerec creation and been using it for 18 years, he trains other dentists in using it also. I have NO idea who he is now because I came across him accidentally on the internet and emailed him, but my computer went down with viruses a while back and I have lost the email from him, among all my corresponces, so I will try and locate him and who he was and pass on his email to you. If I can, he'd be the best, he is glad to discuss this material. He thinks it's the best dental material in dentistry today and told me in 18 years, he'd not had ONE patient react. (personally I wouldn't go by that so much, many patients can react to anything and not say a thing.).

You can look up cerec porcelain bicompatibility online if you want and you should find many dental office using it and you could email them yourself. But look at the info on this stuff online.

aluminium oxide is in many many things, not just dental materials, but certainly, probably safer contained within the hardened material of a ceramic like cerec in case someone is afraid it will add to their consumption.

I wouldn't guarantee anything completely though. There is bound to be people who will react to any dental material and it's up to the person to get as much testing done and research beforehand.

I "


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