Re: hey Donna....
Thank you for your kind words about my posts. I think that everyone that comes into this forum often has huge hearts of caring for others and what to share with others their experiences.
There are several different species of Flukes. Some are intestional flukes, some are liver flukes. As far as the corn looking ones, RG would be the one to tell you what kind of fluke they are. You are right about the red rolled up tomatoe skin looking things. They are liver flukes. They can be various colors starting out with white I think and as they suck our blood (OMG)they become red in color. I have seen so many different looking things and some are very hard when they come out and you think that they are part of your bm but when you look some are yellow and hard. Some are brown, some are yellow, some are white, some are orange looking. I even had some come out that looked like what I called mushroom flukes, of course that is not the name of them, I think RG told me that they were intestional flukes. If you start researching them you can see the suckers on the flukes where they attached themselves to our insides. GROSS!!!!! but true. My first Humaworm cleanse, I didn't look in the towlet. I was afraid to and said I would never do it. At the end of my second Humaworm cleanse, I started seeing weird things come out so It made me want to start looking and by this time I was not afraid of what was coming out. I was just glad that they were coming out. I wanted to ask RG what they were. If I didn't research with a chop stick (lol) then I would have not know that I was eliminating ascaris (round worms) because they blend in with the BM and alot of times you can't see them. Now when I request my extra strength Humaworm, I can tell RG to target ascaris (round worms). See what I mean????? The fluke type for the corn looking critters is a question for RG or if anyone else can remember what they are called please help us with the name and type of fluke. I think everyone can identify when we say corn looking flukes but it is nice to know where those critters were once attached. I also want to get rid of the critters in my BRAIN. They are getting less and less noticible crawling around up there. When they crawl, they itch and it is so bothersom. Soon they will be all dead and I am happy for that. Hope this helps a little. Donna