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Re: Advice needed on symptoms
Matchmaker Views: 3,517
Published: 18 y
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Re: Advice needed on symptoms


These are all die off symptoms. Once the critters and their toxins are out then the symptoms will disapear as fast as they came. If you ever cough up mucus while on the Humaworm, don't swallow it. It has larve from ascaris (round worms)in it that was encubating in your lungs. When people are not on a parasite cleanse and they cough and swallow the larve travels down into the intestines where the ascaris (round worms) grow to adulthood. I didn't see any come out until I finished my second Humaworm cleanse. I felt like I had the flu, my energy level was zapped, my legs felt like rubber, I was coughing up mucus, I had headaches, my tummy even had this gurgling sound. The ascaris hide in your bm so if you don't investigate with a chop stick or other device then you won't see them. This is a repeat from me but newbys need to hear it. I had 12 6 inch ascaris and one 13 inch ascaris eliminate after my second cleanse along with tons and tons of flukes and a tapeworm. Gross!!!!!!!! I did a Hulda Clark liver flush 7 days after my second Humaworm cleanse and seen tons of chaff which looks like sand and is crystalized cholestrol and about 250 gullstones. All my pics are posted on this forum under Match Maker. Hope this helps a little. Donna


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