Humaworm works miracles to get rid of candida. In November 2006, I came down with an absolutetly horrible yeast infection that was so bad that the yeast started going down my legs. It was absolutely dreadful! I was on antifungals for six months, both topical and internal, but I could not get rid of it. I kept reading the candida support forum, though, where I learned that candida and parasites go hand in hand, and that if you have one, you have the other. I ordered Humaworm to see if it would help. At first I was a little nervous about taking it, though, mainly because it was something new to try. However, one day I was expressing my nervousness on the candida support forum, when a poster urged me to go ahead and take the Humaworm. The poster suggested that I had to deal with the parasites to get well, and since I had candida, I had parasites. I'm so glad that poster pushed me on, too, because it was the best thing that ever happened to me because when I finished the course of Humaworm, I was totally well, and I've been well ever since.
My die-off was very rough, though, just as yours has been, with bronchitis type symptoms.
I'm just finishihg up my second round of Humaworm now, which I decided to take again after the six months had passed since my first round. Even though the candida hasn't come back, I want to make sure it stays that way. I have a life plan now to take Humaworm every six months for the rest of my life to be sure that yeast and fungus never get the upper hand in my body again.
I hope that one round of Humaworm will totally rid you of candida and any other parasites that you may have, as it did with me. However, keep in mind that I had been on antifungals for six months before I took Humaworm. Some were very strong, such as Difulcan. To some extent, much of my yeast and fungus population might have dwindled during that time to where the Humaworm delivered the death blow. I'm not sure where you are with respect to candida, but it's quite possible that your first round of Humaworm will totally elimate it.
Having said that, be sure to get on an effective probiotic program after going off of Humaworm. Humaworm will kill all of the yeast and other parasites in your body, but it also kills off the good bacteria, and it's important to begin replenishing the good bacteria immediately so that the yeast can't re-establish itself. While there are good store bought probiotics, I've found that foods containing natural probiotics are best, such as yogurt and fermented sauerkraut. One brand of sauerkraut that people have had great success with is made by Rejuvenative, which can be bought at organic food stores.
Good luck!