getting tough tape worms/ascarid eggs- Dr Clark
Hi Julie,
I knew I had the liver flukes because I've been seeing them, not small ones. So I had that figured out as being what has been causing the liver problems. But I've had really sore spots inside of me too...and just a couple of days before getting the tape worm, there was a new sore spot. I went to bed 2 nights with castor oil packs because it was really sore! That spot hasn't been sore like that since I got the tape worm, and I'm sure he had latched onto me there!
That's the thing that gets you when you do actually realize that they've been in there, probably for years and years, laying eggs.
If you'll put in a search for Dr.
Hulda Clark , and
parasite clean up, it will tell you what she says what to do to get the tough worms, and eggs. She says there are certain types of tape worms, and ascarid eggs that NO herbal OR zapper is going to be able to get. She says to take ozonated olive oil, with L-Cysteine for 3 weeks, and also a mega dose of CoQ10 a few times.
I know I'm not done with the
parasites by a long ways, I can feel them, my abdomen bloats up and those couple of sore spots still plague me. I'm going to hammer them with the ozonated oil and L-Cysteine, and I've done a couple of mega doses of the CoQ10...if Dr. Clark makes the herbs, and sells the zapper, and says there are certain tape worms and ascarid eggs they won't touch...I'm going to do the clean up to make sure to get them cleaned up!
I had started taking another dewormer just 2 days before getting him too, and I'm sure that's what did it. I hadn't started on the ozonated oil/L-Cysteine yet. I was taking the herbal, tincture dewormer for a month and knew I still had
parasite problems, and added a dewormer that also contained homeopathic remedies specific for tape worm, liver flukes, and ascarids- along with the herbs. I think that's what did the trick. The 2nd dewormer also says that for tough infections to go up to 3 months on it..."normally" just 30 days. I'm not normal, I've got a pretty bad infestation just in trying to get the liver flukes...little did I know..also the tape worm. I don't know what's to come, but I know I'm not done yet.