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Re: coffee enema follow-up, got more of it!
jessesmom1987 Views: 4,572
Published: 18 y
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Re: coffee enema follow-up, got more of it!

Yeh, it's hard to get a good, clear close-up picture, but it definetly is the head. I was sure it was a tape worm, but couldn't figure out why it wasn't white like the pic's you see of them...well..with the enema, which I'm so glad I did..I got a whole bunch of the white, "skin" stuff. I have the head in alcohol in a jar, it's for sure the head. But, after seeing the pic's on the internet of what they look like under a microscope..I don't think I want to look at it that closely.
It definetly didn't come out intact..I think it kind of blew up in there- sounds gross. I started taking the L-cysteine/ozonated olive oil yesterday too, which I had planned on doing, but really decided to do after seeing it. The L-cysteine is supposed to help clean out toxins the parasites put out too.

We'll see, I still feel like I have more parasites, I don't know what, the thought of the possibility of more tape worms grosses me out, but we'll just see.. I'm sure I'm not done yet, I feel them, and my abdomen still feels like it has a football in it.

I had been preparing for a Liver Flush and planning on doing a flush last night, and I decided to go ahead with it. It's the coke flush, which I like because I don't get nauseous and vomit with it, but it sometimes doesn't work right away. I went ahead and took the Epsom Salts this morning, the morning after drinking the oil/lemon juice/coke..but I'd been taking the phos acid drops already and thought I'd best keep going with it. We'll see what that might bring too.
I'd still seen the red/pink chunks of liver flukes day before yesterday too.


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