Wow, that is the first time I've heard your story, and what a testimony. Is there anything you can do besides drinking distilled to break up and pull out that calcifiction? I wonder if malic or phosphoric acid would work on it the way it does gallstones? Well, I'm sure you've researched that topic up the wazoo...
I'm wondering what the best bio-available source of calcium, magnesium and trace minerals would be for my 74-yo mom, who doesn't eat junk, but not an optimal diet, either. I'm taking something called super PH minerals from fulvic acid - I think it's a colloidal. It must be working, because I feel better and my nails are growing like crazy. I did give her a bottle of it, but I don't think it really covers calcium/magnesium, and she's not big on greens besides romain or field green salads. She eats like a bird, anyway.