Sounds like kick starting a motor! Revvvvv it up then let off the gas. I really believe this because if you have a thyroid gland and it's been drugged, or is sluggish due to imbalances, etc. it may need that kick start with the Iodine to kick it into working. It says.."hey what is that stuff?" "Oh..I like it..I might actually get some work done around here!" Then it goes back to being it's lazy self, due to getting so much help with the iodine..and you go says, "Hey..what mean I've got to pick up the pace myself!? Ok then..let's go..oh, but I'm kind of getting tired now". So you were on iodine, then off for a bit, go back on and see what happens. Thyroid says, "Wow! I'm back working, humming along..getting the gas I need..this is great, I feel so energetic and healthy!"