sorry, it took me a while to to get to this one.
iodine supplementation causes increased levels of TSH. this in turn causes an imbalance of T4 to T3. as the system backs up, the enzymes and catalysts for all this hormone production back up. this causes the hair loss. it is self correcting given time and proper nutrition. mostly time. some heavy metal poisoning also takes place.
in a way, it temporarily induces cold body syndrome. the T3 treatments for wilsons sometimes have to be given in a succession of two or three or more times over the span of tears sometimes to get results. i think an ebb and flow appraoch to
Iodine is a good one in these cases. on for a while then off. on then off. i believe this is the best course to take for those experiencing regression as well. maybe four months on, two off, and do it again. two years of that may be what it takes to correct all the damage of halogen imbalance. its a serious condition and takes serious commitment to treat it.
btw, both T3 and T4 are mostly, you guessed it, iodine.