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I lost my hair before iodine.
hanna Views: 5,097
Published: 18 y
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I lost my hair before iodine.

May be 2 years or so ago I lost a lot of my hair, I can remember because I decided to have my hair cut very short hoping that the sun would shine on my skin (head). I always blamed it on hormones, of course it was just a guess.

May be with cleansing we go through stages, one year all the sudden during the summer I got TMJ. First I thought I had water in my ears from swimming, when I realised that was not it, I had tried tried CS in my ears and oregano.
In the meantime I kept working on my general cleanses etc and a year later all the sudden it disappeared and it has not come back.

It is difficult to figure out what your body is up to.

Finding an answer is a journey and I have been on it now for 4 1/2 years. Luckily there are still small improvements, of course I have tried certain things that did not do anything for me too.


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